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Jumper cables are two thick electric wires with connectors on each end. They are used to transfer power from one battery to another. Each end of a jumper cable is known as a clamp. These clamps are made of materials that are good conductors of electricity, such as copper or aluminum.
Jumper cables are must have car accessories for your car. Sometimes, the car battery dies due to various reasons like being Parked for a longer time, Faulty connectors, etc. Suppose you are in the middle of a journey and suddenly the car gets stopped then what will you do in that situation? Here comes the need for battery cables. According to one survey in 2022 done on car users, 90% percent of car owners prefer good quality copper jumpers for emergency needs. Hence, demand for buying jumper cables for cars has increased significantly in the last 5 years.
There are two sets of thick (quage depending on usage) cables, both are of different colors in the box. Each wire has copper-coated clamps in its end to make sure that the wire gets connected properly with battery leads. However, you need one metal part as well. Why? Because one cable should be attached to a metal piece for correctly jumping a car battery.
Each Wire has to be connected to both battery leads. We have already covered a detailed article on how to use battery jumper cables. Hence, we will not discuss it here. But it’s a very easy process so don’t worry about that.
These are the most commonly used jumper cables. They are mostly made of copper or aluminum. Their length is typically 12 to 20 feet depending on the manufacturer. These kinds of cables can be used in most vehicles and they are efficient and effective for transferring power from one battery to another battery.
Heavy-Duty Jumper Cables
These jumper cables are mostly used for heavy vehicles like SUVs, Trucks, etc. They are thicker wires to handle a large flow of power during transmission. Large thickness also provides better conductivity and reduces the risk of overheating.
Smart Jumpers
Smart jumper cables have some additional features like LED indicators, Safety alarms, and built-in fuses. These features help the user to check if the dead battery is getting power in a proper way. Overheating is another issue which is also become less due to safety alarm. Hence, this kind of feature makes jumper cable smart.
Portable Jump Starters
These are battery cables which are like compact devices that have built-in batteries. Hence, you don’t need another car to jump-start your car because sometimes you get stuck on abandoned roads. Additionally, they have USB ports as well. They are generally very lightweight so it becomes very easy to carry. These are more safer and convenient options.
Choosing the Right Cables
- Below are some important factors to consider (length, gauge, insulation) before buying jump starter.
Thickness and length
There are so many different types of dead battery cables available in the market. However, each cable is different according to its length and thickness. If the jumper cable gauge is less then it means it is very thick. Heavy-duty jumper cables are made for heavy vehicles and have fewer gauges.
Each wire has a different capacity for transferring power from one battery to another. For Example 500 Amp, 800 Amp, and 1200 Amp. High power means large power handling capacity. Generally, 800 Amp wires are used for SUVs and SUVs.
Pure Copper wire is a good conductor of electricity. Hence, we recommend buying a jumper cable for the battery which is made of copper.
Maintenance and Storage of Jumper Cables
You should try to use your car at least once a week to make sure your car battery does not become dead. Try to avoid short journeys. Always use good quality jumper cables for longer usage. Do some online research on how to take care of your car battery. Moreover, get one toolkit for your car accessories to avoid damage because many times jumper cable connectors get damaged if you mistakenly put some heavy item on it.
As per the increasing demand for four vehicles these days, the need for a good quality jumper cable is also increasing. We should keep emergency car accessories with us as road emergencies are real. Moreover, there are so many sellers who are selling these items at very low prices. Lastly, being prepared for future problems is always a good decision. Thank you for reading our article.